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Product Info

40-Lb. Granular Limestone

  • UPC: 742786902009
  • SKU: 795187
  • Model Number: 54055026
Soil Doctor Granular Limestone is a 100% natural, fast-acting soil amendment that helps to enhance the‘living soil’. Just as your lawn and gardens needs fertilizer, they also need vitamins and essential minerals like calcium and magnesium which are found in Soil Doctor Granular Limestone. As an additional benefit, by incorporating limestone into your program, your lawn and gardens will better utilize fertilizer treatments. Soil Doctor Granular Limestone is virtually dust-free particles, so it is less messy, making it fast and easy to apply using any lawn spreader.
  • 40 lb bag Soil Doctor Granular Limestone
  • Apply anytime
  • Corrects soil pH
  • Boosts nutrients
  • 100% natural