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Product Info

Lube Cartridge Filter, C159

  • UPC: 09100420015
  • SKU: 205926
  • Model Number: C159
Fram, C159, Lube Filter Cartridge, Fits Allis-Chalmers, Allis-Chalmers Gasoline, Austin-Western, Barber-Green, Blaw Knox, Case, Case Gasoline, Clark, Co-Op, Cockshutt, Davey Paxman, Galion, Hesston, Huber-Warco, Hyster, John Bean, John Deere, Joy, Kohler, Lincoln Electric, Little Giant, Lundell, Marlow, Massey-Ferguson, Minneapolis Moline, Myers, New Holland, Oliver, Rex, S&L, Schramm, Sicard, Smith, Versatile & Wisconsin Wood Bros.